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This page collects our most important works and it gives a short description with relevant technical details for each one. To protect trade secret some projects name are not the real one.

Industrial Automation - Technical


Idebe - Integrated Development Environment for PLC

Idebe is an Integrated Development Environment. It has been written in C++ (engine) and Delphi (GUI). A new C# version of the IDE is under development. The IDE includes an autocompletion editor, a debugger for multithread applications and a compiler. Idebe is the standard IDE for the OB1 plc.

  • C++ and Delphi
  • New C# version in development
  • 60.000 lines of code
  • Windows platform


OBE - PLC Emulator

OBE is a software emulator for the OB1 board. It is a work in progress and it is written in C# and .Net 2.0. OBE is a PC application allowing to execute a program written for the OB1 board inside the PC. OBE is particularly useful during program development because it permits to test program originally written for the OB1 board on a virtual world on your PC.

  • C#
  • Framework .Net 2.0


OB1 - Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)

OB1 is a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). This work consist of two parts: an electronic device and the operating system (the firmware) to manage it. The PLC board has been built around the PIC18F6520 MicroChip microcontroller. The PLC operating system has been written in MPASM assembler. Both the hardware and software parts has been entirely developed by Sychene.

  • MPASM assembler
  • Microchip Microcontroler platform
  • Software and hardware project


Moak - Computer Numeric Control

Moak is a systems software for CNC (computer numeric control) consisting of a software to run the CNC machine and an IDE for CNC programming. The IDE includes editor, compiler and debugger. Moak is about 200.000 lines of C++ code with the graphical interface written in Delphi. The real time system works on QNX (a Unix version) and the monitor/development environment on Windows. The communication between the different PCs is based on TCP/IP, UDP and COM. Systems containing this software are used by Nokia, Ford, Siemens, Philips etc.


  • C++ and Delphi
  • 200.000 lines of code
  • Windows and QNX
  • COM, TCP/IP, UDP communications
  • Real time application


EComp - Compiler

EComp is a high performance compiler mainly used in the domain of USB transmission and other protocol transmission. It is completely written in C# and .Net 2.0. Ecomp is designed to work with hundred MegaByte source file, to be extremely fast yet easy to modify/extend. EComp has been developed for a leader Switzerland test and measurement company.


  • C#
  • Framework .Net 2.0


Nede - Packet decoder

Nede is an application for decoding and analyzing network packets. This is a work in progress developed in C# and .Net 2.0. Nede is different from standard decoder because it is based on NetPdl, a XML-based markup language that aims to describe protocols. Nede reads a protocol description file and it generates a C# source program able to decode the protocol. Nede is developed for a leader Switzerland test and measurement company.


  • C#
  • Framework .Net 2.0


VEW - Winding machine programming system

VEW is a visual environment for automatic code generation used for winding machine. The system is about 100.000 lines of code, with the engine written in C++ and the graphical interface in Delphi and Visual Basic. VEW consists of a language to describe winding machine world, a compiler and finally a visual environment to program the winding machine. VEW has been developed for a leader company in the industrial automation. The system has been patented.


  • C++ and VisualBasic
  • 70.000 lines of code

Management Information System


EDIAir Host - Airline Cargo booking system

EDIAir Host is booking and space control system for airlines companies. It has been developed in C# and .Net 2.0 and it counts about 100.000 line of code. EDIAir Host has a DBMS independent architecture, it naturally works with the main DBMS on the market (MySql, SQL server, Jet etc.) and can easily ported to other DBMS. It is a 24h/day, 7 days a week application, with client-server architecture, a specifically designed backup system to assure maximum reliability and CCS connectivity via FTP and CargoIMP messages. The program is completely multi language. EDIAir Host has been developed for a North Europe air company.


  • C#
  • Framework .Net 2.0
  • 100.000 lines of code


EDIAir GD - Ground Handling cargo system

EDIAir GD is an invoicing and warehouse management system for aircraft ground handling companies. It has been developed in C# and .Net 2.0. Like EDIAir Host it is DBMS independent, it has a client-server architecture, it is a 24h/day, 7 days a week application etc. EDIAir GD includes the following functionalities: air cargo import/export/transit process, invoicing and warehouse operations, complex tariffs management, connectivity to the airlines via CargoImp messages, AWB editing, user account administration. EDIAir GD has been developed for a North Europe air ground handling company.


  • C#
  • Framework .Net 2.0
  • 120.000 lines of code


CobSap - Conversion tool

CobSap is an export module from proprietary data file to Sap. It has been completely written in Delphi using an ODBC connection to a database of a Cobol application. CobSap has been developed for a German Air Ground Handling company having a proprietary application and needing to convert some application data to SAP.

  • Delphi
  • Acu Cobol ODBC


CAT - Invoicing and warehouse system

CAT is an invoicing and warehouse management system. The graphical interface has been written in Delphi, the engine in C++. CAT includes the following modules: customers and supplier managements, warehouse management, invoicing, purchase order management, import supplier catalog. It has been developed for some customers selling electrical (household) appliance spare parts who need to access all the article informations from a single program. For this particular task CAT has many supplier specific import module. Each module is able to import a catalog/price list with a different data format.


  • C++, Delphi

3D Simulation


Ovide - PLC virtual device

Ovide is a 3D virtual device for the OB1 PLC. It is a work in progress and it is written in C# and .Net 2.0. Like a real device, Ovide has to be connected to the OB1 PLC . Ovide replaces a physical device with an animated 3D model of it and permits to see the virtual model acting as the real one on your screen.


  • C#
  • Framework .Net 2.0
  • DirectX 9.0


Mapsi - 3D mechanical simulation

Mapsi is a 3D environment used for interactive marketing presentations and motion simulations of industrial machinery. It has been developed with Macromedia Director and C++. Mapsi allows to assembly 3D models of industrial machinery and to show 3D animations from different views.


  • C++, Lingo
  • Director Framework


Cyclesi - 3D mechanical simulation

Cyclesi is a 3D environment for cycle time calculation and cycle time optimization of industrial machinery. It has been developed in C++ using DirectX 9 and counts about 40.000 line. Cyclesy enables the user to assembly 3D model of machinery, to set objects properties like velocity, acceleration etc. and to run a timing accurate simulation.


  • C++
  • DirectX 9.0

WEB Development


Sychene has developed many website and followings are just two of the most important works.

Politea - E-Learning web application

Politea is a web application used for online instructor-led courses. It has been developed in Asp and VBScript languages. Politea users can interact with instructors and other users, download/upload homeworks, chat, send/receive internal email, and post on a forum.



EGL - Web site

This website has been developed for a company of the Switzerland EGL Group (production and transportation of electricity). The site presents an electric power station that is under construction in Italy.


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